Friday, January 10, 2020

Miss Representation

Miss Representation is a documentary about how females are represented through all types of media, with movies, magazines, and even politics. One of the topics they highlight is about how women are never the protagonist of popular movies, it is always either a man or in the rare case that they are, it usually always revolves around and is affected by a man or a love story. I have never paid any attention to this prior, but I have now realized that I see this in almost every movie I watch, even some of my favorites. The movie, The Edge of Seventeen, is a coming of age story about a teenage girl, while she is the main character of the story, the plot is extremely influenced by the men in her life. Her father dies, her brother is her complete opposite and ruins her trust, her history teacher, and a boy in her life. But, most directors and writers do not do this consciously. Society has ingrained in us for it to be normal for men to be the superior ones, the ones who save and propel the day, rather than the movie to actually be about the main character. The belief that women are inferior and not multidimensional requires a “psychological breakthrough” in order to alter opinions of this media bias that limits female intellectual power.Image result for edge of seventeen boy


  1. I completely agree, although I do think that the directors do this purposely in effort present the image of men needing to be more powerful. In doing this, it subconsciously allows people to agree with their film more, especially because of all the other movies that support this domination over women.

  2. I also agree with what you say. In contrast, the movie Wonder Woman portrays a female superhero as more "Wonderfull" than the male characters around her, while not being a "Fighting Fucktoy". There is definitely a shift in how women are being portrayed in the media. What is your opinion on this shift?

  3. Yes I agree completely, I find it surprising that the only lead role a woman is seen as able to be portrayed is when her love interest is a man. Instead of being an independent woman and showing how a woman can make it through the world with her own success.


Media Blog Reflection

Before this critical thinking class, I had never really thought about the media that surrounds me, and how much I actually consume. I alre...